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Poets of The World

Salmon Fish Poem

Edy Samudra Kertagama Whoever wants to come to my place, I will prepare a bowl of soup, a piece of salmon and lemon juice that…

A City of Memories

Work: Edy Samudra Kertagama He didn’t ask to be visited but who was he missing, because at that time everyone almost wants to finish the…

An Eternal Love (Valentine’s Day)

Edy Samudra Kertagama (Foto: Dok) HATIPENA.COM – Happy Valentine’s Day to fellow poets from Indonesia and the world, February 14 2025. One poem for one…


By : Md Ejaj Ahamed HATIPENA.COM – Three Poems of Indian Poets Md. Spelling Ahamed and its Translation (Enam puisi Md Ejaj Ahamed penyair India…


Abeera Mirza (Dok. Pribadi) HATIPENA.COM – Congratulations to you poets Abeera Mirza Penyair Pakistan who are published in Media HATIPENA, one of the best media…

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