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Free Free Palestine

January 15, 2025 15:04

Athena Qania

In the heart of the cold floor
Where people die with no choice
A tale of saddness and short lives unfolds, they say

In Palestine’s innocence
Where history runs deep
Gaza’s animals witness to a story hard to keep

Beneath the gas whispers of ancient lore
Resilient spirits rise from their dead body
Yearning for something better or neat

In the land of Palestine
Where history is etched
A narrative unfolds
By injustice often sketched

Gaza a quite amazing city Beats amid the strife
Echoing the call for freedom
The essence of life

Yet shadows of linger
Tales of sorrow untold
A narrative of struggle, of stories to be bold

In the canvas map of Gaza
Where skies bear witness the mighty kill from Israel’s

A people’s resilience shines amidst the darkness
Yet, a tale of tears Like rain on ancient stone
Falls silently, in a place they’ve long called home

Israel’s might Trying to steal the land
Yet the cries of Gaza’s people
Like grains of desert sand
Whisper tales of cruelty
Etched in the night
A plea for justice For a chance at dawn’s light

Lets compassion be the bridge Understanding the guide
To mend the wounds of history Where pain and hope collide
For in the poetry of peace
Lets empathy prevail
A harmonious future
Where justice sets sail in Palestine.

Lets try and atleast save Gaza together!

Free Free Palestine!
Free Free Palestine!
Free Free Palestine!

Jakarta, 21 November 2023

Athena Qania, 10 Tahun, baca puisi karya sendiri.